
HeySummit with ConvertKit

Continue to use HeySummit for standard event emails and ConvertKit for broader email marketing campaigns.

CRM, Email & Revenue Integrations-blur

Connect and Sync

Automatically sync attendee data to ConvertKit

Automate Workflows

Create custom email sequences and campaigns

Save Time

No need to manually export and import data

Keep your data in sync

Sync attendees to your ConvertKit list so that you can include them in your existing email campaigns, create custom email sequences and more.

Superpower your events by pairing ConvertKit with HeySummit

HeySummit is a true creator-friendly platform that we love using at SPI. It's super easy to use and the customer support is amazing!

Matt Gartland

Co-founder of SPI Media

HeySummit Testimonial: Matt Gartland

Other CRM, Email & Revenue Integrations Integrations

Start Building Your Thriving Community

Join thousands of creators and educators using HeySummit to host impactful events and grow their audience. Sign up for free, no credit card required.