
HeySummit with HubSpot

Keep all of your event attendees synced with your HubSpot CRM.

CRM, Email & Revenue Integrations-blur

Connect and Sync

Automatically sync attendee data to HubSpot

Automate Workflows

Create custom email sequences and campaigns

Save Time

No need to manually export and import data

Keep your data in sync

Sync attendees to your HubSpot CRM so that you can leverage the suite of workflow, CRM and marketing tools provided by HubSpot.

Superpower your events by pairing HubSpot with HeySummit

It's so easy for me to offer both free and paid tickets, and to restrict content to certain ticket levels.

Brooke Adams Law

Award-winning author, book coach, and CEO of Writing Brave Press

HeySummit Testimonial: Brooke Adams Law

Other CRM, Email & Revenue Integrations Integrations

Start Building Your Thriving Community

Join thousands of creators and educators using HeySummit to host impactful events and grow their audience. Sign up for free, no credit card required.