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Michael Ginsburg

Michael Ginsburg

Founder & Editor-in-chief, Actionable Truth Media

Gold Coast, Australia

Technologist turned independent researcher and journalist

Available For

Virtual Events
In-Person Events


The person has expertise delivering talks on the following subjects.

Digital Marketing
Content Marketing


I have a background in technology consulting, cyber security and digital marketing.
The profound events that have transpired in our world during the 'pandemic' and the rollout of the C19 injectables have really woken me up to what is transpiring in our world, and has been for a long time.

As a result, I have decided to dedicate myself to investigative reporting and communicating my findings to others.
The 'mainstream' media (which I prefer to refer to as legacy media) has failed humanity miserably and the independent and alternative media is probably the single most important function of our society going forward.

Therefore, I have decided to dedicate myself to be part of the solution by creating a new independent media platform called "Actionable Truth".
You can learn what we're all about here:

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