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The Ultimate Guide to Event Branding (With Real Examples)

Nina Lelidou

Nina Lelidou

Content Contributor, HeySummit

Published on 10th July 2024Updated 26th July 2024

Whether you’re planning a tech conference, a charity fundraiser, or a music festival, how you brand your event can make all the difference.

Event branding goes beyond just having a catchy logo or aesthetic color scheme. It’s all about creating an experience that sticks with your target audience long after the event ends.

Think Comic-Con, SaaStr, and New York Fashion Week - all three events have an effective event branding strategy that makes for a memorable experience, even creating a sense of FOMO for many dedicated attendees!

So, if branding an event is so important, how can you do it effectively?

In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know about event branding, including strategies and tips to help you design a unique brand identity that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

BONUS: Not sure what successful event branding looks like? We have shared real-life event branding examples to inspire your next steps!

What Is Event Branding?

Event branding is all about creating a strong brand identity through names, symbols, colors, messaging, and imagery that resonate with your target audience and make your event stand out as a memorable experience.

Imagine hosting a charity run. But this isn't just another 5k - it's YOUR community fundraiser. Event branding is like giving your race its own winning personality. Without it, you are just another outdoor event that people soon forget.

Think of it as the DNA of your gathering. It's in everything – the way you talk about it, the colors you choose, the swag you hand out, and even the feelings you want people to have when they're there. It's like giving your event a mini-makeover to match your company's style.

Ultimately, it's about shaping every single touchpoint of the event experience, from the invitation to the post-event follow-up.

Event branding involves a mix of digital elements - such as event apps, websites, and email marketing - and physical components like exhibition stands, banners, badging, and stage design.

Why Is Event Branding Important?

Without a strong event brand, your gathering is nothing more than a number in a crowded market.

Successful event branding has numerous benefits for event organizers, including:

Better attendee engagement

Thoughtful event branding creates trust and loyalty among attendees. In fact, statistics show that consistent brand presentation can increase revenue by up to 20%.

Great, consistent branding not only helps your target audience associate positive feelings with your brand but also aligns their values with your brand promise. This fosters long-term engagement and repeat attendance​ for future events, making your brand stand out from the competition.

Generates FOMO

Well-executed event branding strategies can generate buzz and Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Memorable events encourage word-of-mouth marketing, which can take your event from just a date on a calendar to a must-attend happening that people don't want to miss.

Fosters a sense of community

While generating revenue from a successful event is great, building a community is an equally, if not more, important aspect of event organizing.

Strong event branding can build an emotional connection with the audience. This connection makes for a memorable event experience and is the foundation for community and belonging. It is also a powerful motivator for attendance​.

Can turn your event into a staple

A memorable brand event has the potential to turn into a legacy. A legacy event is something that people look forward to, talk about, and connect with on a deeper level.

Take Coachella, for instance. It started as a music festival, but now? It's a cultural phenomenon. The Coachella brand has become so strong that people plan their entire year around it.

The result? Your event can become a valuable asset in itself. It can attract sponsors, generate year-round buzz, and even open up new revenue streams through merchandise or spin-off events.

Key Considerations for Effective Event Branding

Define your brand identity

Before you even start thinking about the visual elements, you need to be clear on what your event's values and mission are. Think of this as your event's heart and soul. Maybe your tech conference is all about celebrating women in tech, or your music festival is about blending music, art, and environmental sustainability. Your event should convey a clear message.

Ask yourself:

Do you want people to feel excited, inspired, relaxed, or maybe a bit of everything? This is where you decide what emotions you want your event to stir up.

Next, you will need to identify your target audience. What are their preferences? Their interests? Maybe they're tech-savvy millennials who love a good latte, or perhaps they're seasoned industry pros who appreciate a solid networking opportunity.

This way, you can make sure your event resonates with them and gives them exactly what they're looking for.

Develop key visual elements

Event branding design is the cornerstone of creating a memorable and impactful event experience. Let's explore some key event branding elements that can set your event apart from the rest:

Your event logo is the first thing people will see. Although it's a small part of the design, it should be memorable and meaningful.

Here are some things to consider when designing a logo:

  • Simple doesn't mean boring: While there is nothing wrong with a funky design, simplicity can make your logo easy to recognize.

  • Make sure your logo is fully visible: Choose a color that makes it stand out against different backgrounds. Bright colors like red are ideal for this.

  • Use your logo across multiple platforms: Whether that is your website header, email signature, or mobile event apps, it will make your event more recognizable.

Color palette

Your event's color scheme should reflect its goal and mission. For example, an event about sustainability might have more Earthy tones, whereas a corporate event might opt for soft blues and greens, which are typically associated with professionalism.


Readability is key.

Opt for fonts that are easy to read on different mediums, whether that is a poster, merch, or a mobile event app.

Popular event fonts include:

  • Serif fonts are often associated with reliability and respectability. They are a great choice for formal events or conferences.

  • Sans-serif fonts are super easy to read. They're perfect for tech events or anything targeting a younger crowd.

  • Script fonts are more elegant, making them ideal for wedding events or high-end galas.

  • Display fonts are the most attention-grabbing. Use these for headlines or event names, but not for body text.

Also, remember to stay consistent with your font!


Similar to your event logo, the images you use should represent the core of the event. If you are going for simplicity and professionalism, opt for minimalist images.

Apart from high-quality photos, you should always ensure that they are on theme. Your images should tell your event's story. For example, a food festival should incorporate close-ups of relevant dishes.

To add a personal touch, use real images from past events to showcase the genuine attendee experience.

Establish an online presence

A strong digital presence is essential for an effective event branding strategy.

There are several elements you need to focus on:

Event website

Just as with all visual elements, your website should reflect what your event is all about. This means using consistent messaging via colors, images, and fonts.

You should also ensure that it is user-friendly and informational - with all the necessary event information easily accessible. This includes the dates, location, agenda, and ticketing options.

TIP: Regularly update your website with new content, such as blog posts, speaker bios, and event updates. This keeps your audience engaged but also helps with your site's SEO. Better SEO means that your gathering can get more brand recognition by ranking higher on Google.

Coachella has done a great job at making their website user-friendly. Not only does it use vibrant colors that align with the festival's brand, but it also provides access to essential information like dates and tickets the moment you land on the site.


Social media

Fun fact: 85% of consumers use social media to research new brands, so it is imperative that you incorporate social media campaigns into your branding strategy. 

Social media platforms provide a direct channel for meaningful interaction with your potential event attendees. They also let you create a sense of exclusivity which can boost engagement and interest in your event.

Here are some marketing materials you can use to excite your audience:

  • Interactive content: Utilize features like polls, Q&A sessions, and live streams to actively involve your followers in event-related discussions.

  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with niche influencers to share relevant content surrounding your event to expand your reach.

  • User-generated content: Encourage followers to share their past experiences or expectations for the upcoming event.

  • Countdown series: Create a series of posts leading up to the event, each revealing new information or highlighting different aspects of what attendees can expect.

  • Hashtags: Develop event-specific hashtags to encourage user-generated content and increase visibility.

WebSummit has done a great job at promoting their popular #CollisionConf. Their event-specific hashtag makes their gathering more recognizable but also lets users post their own content under their brand identity. Their strategic use of statistic sharing is also a good way to attract more attendees by creating a sense of FOMO.



Email marketing is a powerful tool for event promotion when executed properly.

Your email campaign should incorporate email templates with all the brand's visual elements - logo, color palette, and images. This way, your brand can be instantly recognizable the moment someone opens your email.

The content of your emails should always be useful - avoid spammy content which will likely be ignored. This could be event updates, speaker announcements, early bird discounts, and other promotional content.

Here's an example of a previous email campaign by SXSW. Not only is it visually appealing, but it's informational, useful, and to the point.


Repurpose content

Event branding isn't just about one successful event. It's about building a foundation for all future events.

One way to improve brand recognition and future attendance is by repurposing content from a past event to promote the next.

By repurposing, you extend the lifespan of your content and can reach a broader audience since people consume content in different ways. Plus, it saves you the time and effort it takes to make new content from scratch.

Updating and reformatting existing content keeps it relevant and engaging for your audience. If a particular piece of content performs well, you can even capitalize on its popularity by presenting it to your audience in new ways.

Utilize paid ads

While fresh content across different social media platforms and email marketing campaigns are important components of the event planning process, it may not always be enough to achieve the desired attendee engagement for your event.

Paid ads are a great way to reach a larger, more targeted audience of potential attendees who are most likely to be interested in your event.

For example, interactive ad formats, such as video ads, carousel ads, and sponsored posts, can capture the audience’s attention more effectively than static content.

Even if people don't sign up, repeated exposure to your brand can increase familiarity and trust, making them more likely to attend future events.

Plus, you will get access to advanced features that can help you boost your event branding efforts, such as:

  • Retargeting: Re-engage users who have previously interacted with your event’s website or social media pages. This keeps your event top-of-mind and encourages potential attendees to complete the registration process.

  • A/B testing: You can test different ad creatives, messages, and targeting options to refine your event branding strategy for better reach.

  • Insights and metrics: You can track the performance of your ads in real-time, allowing you to measure ROI, adjust strategies, and optimize campaigns for better results.

4 Creative Event Branding Ideas

Let’s explore some unique branding ideas for events to help you stand out:

1. Event swag

Distributing free promotional items like merchandise is a popular event marketing strategy that effectively conveys brand messaging through gifts. This approach is particularly useful for in-person events, but virtual events can also benefit if executed well.

Target the right audience

Choose items that align with your event theme and audience interests. For example:

  • Tech conference: Offer branded power banks or USB drives.

  • Wellness event: Provide custom yoga mats or reusable water bottles.

  • Local cuisine event: Distribute selections of locally sourced teas or other perishable goods that highlight regional specialties.

Ideally, swag should be practical and useful for the long term to ensure a consistent brand experience. However, if less practical items make more sense for your event theme, feel free to choose those. For instance, perishable goods might be more appropriate for a food-focused event.


Unfortunately, traditional event swag often contributes to waste and pollution. To avoid this, opt for re-usable, plastic-free options such as:

  • Reusable water bottles: Stainless steel or BPA-free plastic bottles.

  • Tote bags: Made from organic cotton or recycled materials.

  • Clothing: Items like T-shirts or hoodies made from organic cotton.


Personalize your swag to foster a personal connection with your brand.

Here are some examples of event swag you could give away:

  • Organic cotton t-shirts with attendees' initials or names

  • Backpacks made from recycled PET (plastic bottles), personalized with attendees' initials or names

  • Custom bamboo USB drives, personalized with attendees' names or custom designs, and pre-loaded with event materials or special content

Ted Conferences often include eco-friendly tote bags in their attendee packs.


Want to completely avoid the environmental impact of traditional promotional items?

Opt for virtual swag instead:

  • Digital swag bags with exclusive content or offers

  • Vouchers for local experiences

  • Trial subscriptions to relevant software or streaming services

  • E-gift cards for popular online retailers or services

Learn more about hosting the perfect virtual event.

2. Develop a branded mobile event app

A dedicated mobile event app can be a game-changer for the overall attendee experience. With a range of useful features, attendees can receive real-time updates, get easy access to event information, and personalize their own schedules.

There are different features you can incorporate into your app, but here are the ones we find the most important:

  • Session selection: Users can browse through a comprehensive list of sessions and add their preferred ones to their personal agenda.

  • Reminders: The app can send timely reminders for upcoming sessions, ensuring attendees don't miss out on important events.

  • Calendar integration: Integration with personal calendars helps attendees manage their time effectively.

  • Live announcements: Instant notifications about schedule changes, important announcements, or emergency information.

  • Interactive polls: Real-time polling and Q&A sessions during presentations allow attendees to participate actively and provide immediate feedback.

  • Surveys: Collecting attendee feedback through surveys or rating systems helps organizers understand areas for improvement.

  • Sponsor integration: Highlighting sponsors within the app through banners, sponsored sessions, and exclusive offers to boost visibility for event partners.

3. Sensory branding

It's not just visual elements that can make your event branding exceptional. Try to incorporate other senses into your event brand.

Some ways to do this are by creating a signature scent for your event space, designing custom soundscapes that align with your brand, or offering branded experiences. For example, a tech conference could use a clean scent reminiscent of new electronics, paired with ambient electronic music that changes subtly throughout different areas of the venue.

4. Use automation software

As you have probably realized by now, event branding goes beyond visual marketing materials. It’s a multifaceted strategy that must remain consistent even after the event ends.

In other words, it can be time-consuming to manually develop and maintain such a comprehensive branding strategy.

Automation software can streamline various aspects of your brand strategy, saving you countless hours and helping you achieve perfection without the stress.

HeySummit is an all-in-one event management platform that can quickly simplify the creation, promotion, and execution of events.

With a comprehensive suite of customizable features, you can create fully branded event landing pages that reflect your event’s visual identity, including custom layouts, colors, and logos.

The integrated marketing tools can also help promote your event through branded emails, social media, and affiliate marketing campaigns.

Check out how you can automate most aspects of event branding with a free trial.

Launching Your Event Brand

Event branding isn’t just about launching a successful event. It’s about building a strong identity for all future events.

Successful branding boosts visibility and drives higher engagement and attendance.

There are various strategies you can utilize to strengthen your event branding, including establishing a strong digital presence, leveraging paid ads for your event promotion, and simplifying the entire process with an event management platform.

With HeySummit you can create branded event pages, manage speakers and attendees efficiently, and engage your audience with interactive features - all while maintaining a consistent brand presence. 

Its customizable tools and integrated marketing features ensure that your branding is consistent across all touchpoints of the event experience, providing a memorable time for your attendees.

Are you ready to take your event branding to the next level? Sign up for the HeySummit newsletter to receive the latest tips and insights on how to launch the best virtual events!

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